Digital Transformation Viewpoints
Featured here are original and timely podcasts from ARC analysts and guest speakers on topics such as Digitization, New Business Models, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and Smart Manufacturing. We dive into technologies such as additive manufacturing, machine learning, asset performance management, device connectivity, IIoT architecture, cybersecurity, augmented reality, and more related to digitalization and transformation of industries.
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Digital Transformation Viewpoints
Unleash Industrial Data to Enable Visibility and Insights: Claudia Chandra of Rockwell Automation in Conversation with Bob Gill
Global Leader in Digital Transformation and Industrial Automation. That is how Rockwell Automation, with its solid legacy of operational technology (OT) offerings such as control systems, variable speed drives, sensors and switches, now describes itself.
During her visit to Singapore from her base in San Francisco, Claudia Chandra, Chief Product Officer ‒ Industrial Data, AI, Edge, and Analytics, talked with ARC’s Bob Gill about the rising importance of IT and software as clients look to digitally transform their operations and as evidenced by Rockwell acquisitions like Plex Systems (MES) and Fiix (CMMS), growing investments in the increasingly cloud-based FactoryTalk software suite, and new personnel hires that increasingly come with deep IT experience. Ms Chandra herself joined Rockwell Automation after senior executive roles at companies including Oracle and Informatica.
Among the topics discussed in this podcast: industrial digital transformation opportunities and successes; client readiness for cloud solutions; the value of the PTC partnership; and future directions for the Rockwell Automation software portfolio.