Digital Transformation Viewpoints

TeSys, Blending a Century of Motor Management with Digital Transformation and Schneider Electric

February 16, 2024 ARC Advisory Group Season 6 Episode 5

100 years of providing motor management, protection, and control is a major accomplishment for any company, but how does a century old company evolve from producing products that some may look at as commodities to providing solutions that leverage the latest digital transformation technologies? Craig Resnick from the ARC Advisory Group speaks to Iount Farcas, Senior Vice President, Europe Hub leader for Low Voltage, at Schneider Electric, to discuss its TeSys motor controls business, the history of TeSys,  attributes that contributed to TeSys century of success, TeSys solutions beyond motor protection and control, benefits that customers derive from TeSys motor management solutions, key synergies with Schneider Electric’s portfolio of solutions that TeSys customers can leverage and benefit from, and how Schneider Electric and TeSys will continue to provide power distribution solutions over the next century.