Digital Transformation Viewpoints

Ralph Rio Interviews Sreenivasa Chakravarti, VP, Manufacturing Business Practice at Tata Consultancy Services

ARC Advisory Group Season 3 Episode 1

'Neural' concepts are starting to be used in various areas of manufacturing to model complex processes. In this interview with Sreenivasa Chakravarti, VP, Manufacturing Business Practice at Tata Consultancy Services by Ralph Rio, you will gain a better understanding of how embracing the biological neural behaviors can help manufacturing firms. Today, manufacturing enterprises are anchors of or participants in ecosystems comprised of suppliers, manufacturers, customers, dealers, distributors, technology providers and many others. 'Neural Manufacturing' - inspired from biological neural systems - can help these enterprises become more resilient, adaptable and purpose driven. In this podcast, Mr.Chakravarti provides insights on how 'Neural' related capabilities and behaviors can help manufacturing enterprises step up to meet the present and future needs of manufacturing enterprises.